Documentation is a bit wrong, because for instant simpleCart.taxRate should be simpleCart_taxRate.
At the moment I use version 3.0.5.
I can’t get the taxRate: 0.19 working. It doesn’t give me an output with the <span class=“simpleCart_taxRate”></span>. I tried to use tax: 0.19, but no luck!
Please adviese?
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Sep 11, 2012
Great script!
Documentation is a bit wrong, because for instant simpleCart.taxRate should be simpleCart_taxRate.
At the moment I use version 3.0.5.
I can’t get the taxRate: 0.19 working. It doesn’t give me an output with the <span class=“simpleCart_taxRate”></span>. I tried to use tax: 0.19, but no luck!
Please adviese?