'beforeRemove' Event
The ‘beforeRemove’ event is triggered when an item is about to be removed from the cart. It passes a single parameter of the Item about to be removed, which can be modified.
If a callback for the event returns false, the item will not be removed.
// simple callback example simpleCart.bind( 'beforeRemove' , function( item ){ console.log( item.get('name') + " was removed from the cart" ); });
Sep 02, 2012
I have a problem with this. I have this function stated to be executed before an item removal:
function RemoveProduct(){return confirm(“Poista?”);}
But here’s what it does:
It simply asks to confirm the removal of a product, but it doesn’t really care about the selection, if it returns true, it removes it, if it returns false it removes it. Any help?